JoonWeb Support Center

Add Product Variants

A product that has multiple options, such as size or color, can be given variants. A variant of a product can be created from any combination of option values. From the Manage Product page after adding a product, you may change its Pricing, Inventory, and Shipping options. However, you must modify those settings for each variant from the Options area when you add variants to the product. 

On this page, you will learn: 

Points to consider while adding a variant

  • You can up to 100 variants of a products
  • There can be up to 10 options for each product. Options may vary from one product to another. One product might employ style, color, and size, while another might use material, weight, and finish.
  • You can add custom options to your product

Add variants while creating a product

You can add a product's variants concurrently if you're in the process of creating one.

  • Go to the sidebar & click on All Products (under the Products option
  • Click Add Product 
  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Options section
  • Click on Add Option button
  • Check whether the product has options like size or color
  • Enter each option value in a separate field under Option values, (for instance, Small, Medium, and Large). When selecting a variant, customers see these option values.  
  • Click Add value if your variants differ in more than one way. For each product, you can add up to 10 options.
  • A list of variants appears as you add more options. 
  • Add Price, Sale Price, SKU, Stock, Barcode & more, or use the defaults based on the product details.
  • Click Save

Add options to an existing product

  • Go to the sidebar & click on All Products (under the Products option
  • Choose the desired product from the list
  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Options section
  • Follow the same process as before. 
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