JoonWeb Support Center


You may categorize your products by grouping them into collections to make it easier for shoppers to find them. Here are some examples of collections you could make: 

  • Shoes for men, women, or children
  • items of a certain type, such as pillows, chairs, or curtains 
  • items on clearance sale
  • items of a specific size or color
  • Refurbished gadgets on sale 

Your collection can be shown in the header menu or section of a homepage.

On JoonWeb, you can create two types of collections: 

  • Manual: A manual collection only includes the products that you select separately. As a result, unless you manually add or remove things, the collection always contains the same products.
  • Automated: An automated collection employs selection conditions to incorporate matched products automatically. 

On this page, you will learn about/to: 

Create a Manual Collection

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, click on the +Add Collection Button
  4. Fill in the necessary details (Collection name & description)
  5. Fill in the necessary SEO information (Post Title, Meta Description & URL) 
  6. Add a suitable Cover Image (top right side) as per your requirements 
  7. Set the Collection type as Manual
  8. Set the status as Public
  9. Click Save

Create an Automated Collection 

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, click on the +Add Collection Button
  4. On the Edit Collection, Fill in the necessary details
  5. Scroll down and set the Collection type as Automatic
  6. Set the status as Public
  7. Click Save

Add Media To Collection

You can add an image to your collection by following these steps: 

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, choose the collection you want to edit 
  4. Edit Collection page will open now
  5. Click on the (+) Add icon under the Add Media option (right corner)
  6. On the Media Library menu click on Add (+) icon again
  7. Upload the image & fill in the Media information (Alt & File info)
  8. Click Add Image 

Modify SEO Information of a Collection 

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, choose the collection you want to edit 
  4. On the Edit Collection, scroll down to the SEO section 
  5. Fill in the necessary details, (Meta Title, Meta Description & URL) 
  6. Click Save

Hide a Collection from the eCommerce website 

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, choose the collection you want to edit 
  4. On the Edit Collection, Go to the general setting option
  5. Set the status to Private & Click Save

Delete a Collection from the eCommerce website

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, choose the collection you want to delete
  4. Click Delete (on the top right corner)

Add Alt Text To Collection Media/Image 

  1. Go to your site's dashboard
  2. On the sidebar, click on Collections under Products
  3. On the Collections page, choose the collection you want to edit 
  4. Edit Collection page will open now
  5. Under the Add Media section, select the media/image you want to edit 
  6. On the Media Library page, Go to the Media Information Section 
  7. Add Alt text as per the requirements & click Add Image 
  8. On the Edit Collection page, click Save 
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