JoonWeb Support Center

Edit Product Variants

On the Manage product page for a product, you can change and remove versions. This offers you the freedom to make desired changes to the product variants you sell at any time. 

Make changes to product variant details 

For a particular variant, the specifics can be changed. For instance, you can alter the variant's cost price, sales price, SKU, etc.

Follow these steps:

  • Go to the sidebar & click on All Products (under the Products option
  • Click the name of the product that has the variant that you want to edit.
  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Variants section
  • Make changes to the desired fields
  • Click Save

Edit products variants for multiple locations

When editing variants, there are differences between stores with one location and stores with multiple locations. You can quickly edit the Price, Sales Price, SKU, & Barcode of a product by following these steps:

  • Go to the sidebar & click on Inventory (under the Products option
  • Change the location from the top right corner
  • Select the product you want to edit
  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Variants section
  • Make changes to the desired fields (Price, SKU, Stock, & Barcode)

Change the display order of options

Customers who view your products are shown variant alternatives in a specific order. On the Manage Product page, you can change the order of the display. 

  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Options section
  • To reposition an option, press it & drag it to a new position
  • Customers view the options for this product in the order you've set when they are on the product page.
  • Click Save

Edit product options

  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Options section
  • Click on Add Option button
  • Check whether the product has options like size or color
  • Enter each option value in a separate field under Option values, (for instance, Small, Medium, and Large). When selecting a variant, customers see these option values.  
  • To change an option title, click the Edit icon and enter the new name.
  • To delete an option value, click the Edit icon and click the Trash icon next to the value you want to delete.
  • On the Option popup, Click Add value if your variants differ in more than one way. For each product, you can add up to 10 options.

Delete a Variant 

A variant that is deleted is removed forever. You must remove all of a product's variants, including the default if you decide not to sell the product with variants any longer.

  • On the Manage Product page, scroll down to the Options section
  • Click the product with the variant that you want to delete.
  • Scroll down to the Option section
  • Click the Trash icon beside the Option
  • Click Save
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