JoonWeb Support Center


About SSL and HTTPS

HTTPS is a security protocol that protects your site. This protection is validated by an SSL certificate. Every JoonWeb site has been enabled for HTTPS and comes with a free-of-cost web hosting as standard. 

What is HTTPS?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a secure & reliable protocol through which your browser communicates with websites.
When using HTTP sites, any data that is transferred is prone to cyberattacks, date theft & espionage. However, when using HTTPS sites, data is properly encrypted & authenticated, therefore making it secure.  

JoonWeb team is committed to protecting your and your user's data. At JoonWeb, all your sites are encrypted with HTTPS protocol, free of cost. 

What is an SSL Certificate?

A Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL certificate, allows your site visitors to access your website through an HTTPS connection. It secures the connection between your browser and the site you’re visiting. 
JoonWeb provides your site with an SSL certificate. You can check when your site has an SSL certificate if the URL of your site begins with (https://) 
In case your site URL shows an "i" icon in Google Chrome, then you do not have an SSL certificate enabled.

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