JoonWeb Support Center

eCommerce Locations

Your JoonWeb eCommerce website allows you to set up multiple locations, which you may use to maintain inventory and process orders locally. You can manage or store goods at any of your sites, including shops, storage facilities, and more. You have better overall visibility into your inventory when you have many locations. There's a limit to the number of locations you can set for particular eCommerce website, see pricing for more information

On this page, you will learn to: 

Add a location to your eCommerce website: 

  • Go to your site's dashboard, & click on Settings on the sidebar 
  • On the Setting Overview pageclick on Manage in front of the Location option 
  • On Store's Location pageclick on Add Location button 
  • Now fill in the necessary details (Location Name, country, Address, Pincode, state, city, etc.)
  • Click Save



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